Students work in small groups and select a theme or event from chapter 10, and create a poster to present an historical fact as an image. Return to the poster examined in the Deconstruction Stage to review the composition of the poster. Students consider:
- What message will the poster present?
- What image/s will be used?
- What colours will be used to convey the message?
- Which colour/s will be most salient?
- Where will the different components of the image be placed?
- Which aspects will be foregrounded?
- Which will be placed in the background?
- What actions (if any) will be portrayed?
- What words will be used?
- Where will they be placed?
- What font/ colour/ size will the words be?
- Students share their posters with the class and explain their choices.
Choose an image about Australia’s migration history that the students have studied to date. For example: The Chinese on the goldfields.
Create a brainstorm of historical details relevant to the event and write the ideas on cards. Work together to order the sequence of the events. Using the TEEL structure, jointly construct a paragraph with students:
- T= topic sentence
- E= elaborate or provide more explanation of idea in topic sentence
- E= give some evidence to support the topic presented in the paragraph
- L= linking sentence making connections between paragraph and main focus of the text.
example TEEL sentence historic paragraph
Brainstorm historical details relevant to other events and write on cards. Students work in small groups to order the sequence of the events, then write a paragraph following the TEEL structure. Collate the sequenced paragraph and as a class go through a revising and editing process to put together an historical recount. Draw upon the work students have completed around time connectives and phrases, sentence types, noun groups and verb groups.
Students select an historical event to recount and create a dot point plan of the events leading up to and resulting from the event. Share the plan with a partner and orally present the ideas that could be included in the historical recount. For each idea, students work together to determine an effective sentence starter to begin the idea. The work completed around time connectives will be useful for this activity.