We publish resources to support English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers and schools to plan and deliver effective programs and to support teachers understanding, assessing and reporting on the English language proficiency of EAL students as they implement the Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
Understanding the EAL curriculum
Getting to know the Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL – includes materials that schools and teachers can use to become familiar with the curriculum. You can use these as individual or team professional learning activities.
Teaching practice
- EAL Effective Practice e-book – videos and discussion prompts highlighting one Victorian school’s implementation of an explicit pedagogy for the teaching of disciplinary literacy
Literacy Teaching Toolkit – advice and teaching practices that improve outcomes in speaking and listening, reading and viewing, and writing. The Secondary Literacy Toolkit includes resources on disciplinary literacy. The Primary Literacy Toolkit has EAL-specific practice advice
- VicTESOL Teaching and Learning Cycle – examples of a classroom-based approach to scaffold and explicitly teach language throughout a unit of work.
Regional and professional association support
Online resources
The publications listed below are available to download in pdf or similar format.
Curriculum and assessment
First Language Assessment Tasks – materials to assess upper primary and secondary newly arrived students' reading and writing skills in the languages of Arabic, Khmer, Somali, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Tools to Enhance Assessment Literacy (TEAL) – is an online resource for teachers of primary and secondary level students who are learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in Australia. It brings together a range of tools and advice for the assessment and reporting of the English language proficiency and progress of students within an ‘assessment for learning’ framework.
The Reading and Vocabulary assessment for EAL students (RVEAL) is a new assessment instrument that is now available to all Victorian schools. Please visit the TEAL assessment resource centre for information on how to access RVEAL.
Transition to school
Supporting English as an Additional Language (EAL) – transition to school – this resource provides advice and practical examples of how children and families who speak English as an additional language can be supported to make a successful transition to school. It is designed to assist and guide early childhood professionals and teachers in schools.
Tips for transitioning from an English language school to a mainstream school
- Visit the new school to make sure it is familiar to your child. Practice the journey to and from school.
- If you will pick them up after school, agree the time and place. Some schools offer after school care which you can enrol your child in if you need to.
- Attend information sessions at the new school and encourage your child to participate in orientation activities.
- Check if the school has a Multicultural Educational Aide (MEA) who can speak your community language.
- If an interpreting service is needed, it is available for certain activities through your child’s school at no cost to you.
- If you know another student going to the same school, try to arrange for your child to spend time with them during the school holidays.
- Make sure you give the school your contact details, so staff can contact you if they need to.
- Know the school’s contact number.
- Get a copy of the school timetable so you know what classes your child has and when. Let the school know if your child will be absent or late.
- Let the school know if your child has any medical conditions or special needs. If you are concerned about anything, speak to the school.
- Before school starts, buy your child’s school uniform. For many schools, this is compulsory. Some schools will also sell second hand uniforms.
- Get the required books and stationery – ask the school for a list of what you need to buy and how to order it.
- Put your child’s name on all of their belongings and equipment.
- The school may require students to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), which might be a laptop or iPad. Ask the school what kind your child will need.
- Pack healthy food for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Find out if the school has a canteen.
- Encourage your child to join homework clubs or other out of school activities.
- If financial assistance is needed, contact your child’s school for financial support to meet school costs.
See more back to school information at
Going to school.
Tips for transitioning to mainstream school
Available in different languages
Newly arrived learners
No English – Don't panic – provides information and strategies for primary classroom teachers of newly arrived EAL students during their first few weeks in Australia.
No English 2 – Questions and Answers – provides answers to some of the questions primary classroom teachers may have about the English language development of newly arrived EAL learners, and about providing appropriate programs for them.
Beginning EAL Years 2 to 6 – supports teachers of newly arrived students in Years 2 to 6 by providing practical ideas and resources for teaching and learning. There are 16 workbooks based around topics that are appropriate for newly arrived students and guidance for teachers new to teaching them.
Beginning EAL Years 7 to 10 – comprises four workbooks (Time, Personal information, Body and health, and The classroom) for teachers of newly arrived secondary EAL learners with minimal or no English.
Word study – materials for teachers of primary and secondary EAL students beginning their English language learning. These materials are designed to assist EAL students to develop early literacy skills in English through a focus on the vocabulary and grammatical features which early learners of English are most likely to use.
Language games – materials which can be used to make language games for EAL and Languages students, across all year levels. The games, based on topics that are usually taught to newly arrived EAL students, consolidate and reinforce skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, and give students a chance to use a range of language functions important for working and playing with others.
Working with interpreters
Talking in Tune – a guide to working with interpreters in schools.
Resources available for borrowing from the Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC)
The LMERC library specialises in providing resources in all formats for English as an Additional Language (EAL), Languages and the cross curriculum priority areas.
Resources appropriate to all levels from early years to adult are available. The collection contains a range of practical classroom and curriculum development resources relating to second language acquisition and language teaching methodology, multilingualism, the cross curriculum priority areas and intercultural capability. Materials include academic texts, articles, electronic resources, picture books, novels and readers, nonfiction reading material, lesson plans and activities, games, and big books. Many of the picture story books are bilingual.
For more information about resources see:
Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre
Related pages
Companion resources for the Victorian Curriculum F-10 English as an Additional Language (EAL)