Lesson 5: Writing a memoir

Learning intention

We are learning how to write a memoir.

Success criteria

I can include the important details (who, when, where, what, how and why) when planning my own memoir.

Lesson structure

  1. Return to the artefact used to model in the previous lesson (photo of you nursing your baby sister) shared in the previous lesson. Ask students to orally recall the memory using the prompts (who, where, when, what, how and why).
  2. Using modelled writing and the think aloud strategy, construct a short memoir. As the text is constructed, discuss the structure of the memoir including who, when and where to identify the subject, what and how to recall the episode/s and why for a coda. Reference to high frequency word lists and sentence boundary punctuation is also modelled here. After the text is constructed, students reread. Highlight past tense examples focusing on the verbs or verb groups.
  3. Students return to their artefact. They use it as a prompt to help them plan their memoir. Students draw and write key words in their memoir template. The teacher can differentiate this task by:
    • working with individual students - scribing what has been drawn or orally described
    • working with a small group of students guiding their planning
    • monitoring students who complete the task independently.
  4. Students share their template with a partner. They work together to check whether all the detail has been added. They refer to the success criteria to see whether their planning has been successful.