The teaching - learning cycle

These stages are:

  • building the context or field - understanding the role of texts in our culture and building shared understanding of the topic
  • modelling the text (or deconstruction) - the use of mentor or model texts to focus explicitly on the structure and the language of the text, how language choices work to shape meaning, and to build a metalanguage
  • guided practice (or joint construction) - teachers and students jointly constructing a text
  • independent construction – students’ independent writing or approximation of the genre

(Derewianka & Jones, 2016; Humphrey, 2017; Humphrey & Feez, 2016)

Suggested activities or tasks within each of the stages of the Teaching and Learning Cycle are outlined. These are not necessarily a sequence of activities, rather a range of possibilities to be included at varying points as appropriate in the development of the unit across several weeks.

See Genre in the Primary Curriculum in the Literacy Teaching Toolkit for elaboration on working across the curriculum.