Mathematics Online Interview and Fractions and Decimals Online Interview

Updates to Mathematics Online Interview and Fractions and Decimals Online Interview for 2025

The Mathematics Online Interview (MOI) and Fractions and Decimals Online Interview (FDOI) tools have been updated to improve functionality, clarity, and user experience.

The content within each assessment is largely unchanged. Upgrades include minor structural changes, such as improved wording and imagery and some ordering of questions. These enhancements are designed to improve the user experience and align the branching of questions more accurately to student responses.

The tools’ reporting functionality is progressively being upgraded, to provide clearer representations of assessment data and will offer an additional question-based reporting option. These upgrades will provide more detailed data to improve responsive teacher practice curriculum program planning.

Supporting documentation has now been published below to support the release of the enhancements, including information and user guides, equipment lists, descriptions of the growth points and overarching ideas.

Historical data

Data of students who have previously been assessed via the MOI and/or FDOI assessment tools will still be available. Student assessment histories remain available as a continuous record, ensuring no loss of information at the class and student level.

Mathematics Online Interview

The Mathematics Online Interview (MOI) was developed as part of the Early Numeracy Research Project (EMRP). For more information on the EMRP, please see: Early Numeracy Research Project Summary (PDF, 646.56kb).

The MOI is an online tool for assessing the mathematical knowledge of students in the early years of schooling and of 'at risk' students from middle primary levels to secondary levels.

The assessment takes the form of a one-to-one interview between a teacher and student. Teachers record each student's responses directly into the online system.

The content and the branching of the questions aligns to particular “Growth Points”, which can be described as key "stepping stones" along paths to mathematical understanding. Refer to the Mathematics Growth Points when conducting the interview.

The data is used to generate reports and provide an overview of student achievement and diagnostic information to inform curriculum program planning and responsive teacher practice

Access the Mathematics Online Interview
Via the Insight Assessment Platform

Schools should keep teacher, class and student data up to date in CASES21, to ensure the data is accurate on the Insight Assessment Platform, allowing for efficient delivery of MOI assessments.

Useful resources

MOI Information Guide

  • The MOI Information Guide (DOCX, 1.61MB) provides a background of the MOI, its structure and functionality, and how to prepare and administer the assessment. The guide includes information on the enhanced reporting functionality.

MOI User Guide

MOI Equipment Checklist

MOI Growth Point Framework descriptions

Mapping the MOI to the Victorian Curriculum F-10

The mapping documents link each task from the MOI and its related Growth Point (DOCX, 136KB) against the Level, Strand, Code, Content Descriptions and Elaborations of both versions of the Victorian Curriculum F-10: Mathematics.

Note that full implementation of Mathematics Version 2.0 at Levels F to 10 is required from 2025. Implementation of the revised and renamed Mathematics Foundation Levels A to D is optional in 2025 and required from 2026.

In 2025, there are two mapping documents available to Victorian government schools, dependent on whether students are being taught and assessed using the Towards Foundation Levels A to D (Version 1.0) or Foundation Levels A to D (Version 2.0) curriculum.

Mapping the MOI to Mathematics Version 2.0 (Foundation Level A to Level 10)

Mapping the MOI Foundation Detour to Mathematics Version 1.0 (Towards Foundation Levels A to D) and Version 2.0 (Level F)

Fractions and Decimals Online Interview

The Fractions and Decimals Online interview (FDOI) is an online tool for assessing student mathematical understanding and strategies of fractions, decimals, ratio and percentage. The FDOI is intended for students in years 5 to 8 but is also valuable for assessing high achieving students in Year 4, or at-risk students in years 9 to 10.

The assessment takes the form of a one-to-one interview between a teacher and student. Teachers record each student's responses directly into the online system.

The interview provides collated data that can be compared within schools to understand student achievement and monitor progress.

Access the Fractions and Decimals Online Interview
Via the Insight Assessment Platform

Useful resources

FDOI Information Guide

  • The FDOI Information Guide (DOCX, 1.07MB) provides a background of the FDOI, its structure and functionality, and how to prepare and administer the assessment. The guide includes information on the enhanced reporting functionality.

FDOI User Guide

FDOI Equipment Checklist

FDOI Overarching Ideas and Misconceptions descriptions

FDOI Online Interview Classroom Activities

Mapping the FDOI to the Victorian Curriculum F-10

The mapping document links each task from the FDOI and its related ‘overarching idea’ against the Level, Strand, Code, Content Descriptions and Elaborations of the Victorian Curriculum F-10: Mathematics Version 2.0.

FDOI aligns to content from Level 3, therefore the Mathematics Version 1.0 mapping document has been replaced by the Mathematics Version 2.0. mapping document.

Mapped to Mathematics Version 2.0:

MOI and FDOI Guidance Videos

The Department of Education in collaboration with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) has developed a suite of guidance videos about interpreting the Mathematics Online Interview (MOI) and Fractions and Decimals Online (FDOI) tools and reports.

The guidance videos are designed to support teachers implement quality assessment practices when using the tools. They are presented by several maths experts, including some of the original developers of the MOI and FDOI tools. You can browse through the videos below:

Decimal comparison test - Anne Roche
Ordering decimals - Anne Roche
Exploring number lines to interpret number sizes - Matt Sexton
Extending number lines to provide greater challenge - Part 1 - Matt Sexton
Extending number lines to provide greater challenge - Part 2 - Matt Sexton
Fraction pairs 1 - Doug Clarke
Fraction pairs 2 - Doug Clarke
Fraction pairs 3 - Doug Clarke
Taking the temperature FDOI - Doug Clarke
Taking the temperature MOI - Doug Clarke
Unpacking the growth points: Multiplication and Division - Linda Parish
Unpacking the growth points: Addition and subtraction - Linda Parish

MOI and FDOI alignment with the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0

Assessment is a vital component of the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0 (VTLM 2.0) and is embedded in the teaching elements Planning and Explicit teaching.

The MOI and FDOI are diagnostic assessments that provide in-depth information about a student’s current mathematical knowledge and skills at a point in time.  The rich data on students’ understanding, strategies and misconceptions supports teachers’ preparation to attend to the specific needs of their students. This informs planning for explicit teaching and supported application.

The VLTM 2.0 embeds the use of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to ensure successful outcomes for all students. This is achieved by integrating a continuum of instruction, intervention and support alongside data-based problem-solving processes. Assessment is used across the three tiers to inform decisions about the most appropriate support for all students to make progress. The first tier includes the implementation of a universal screening tool to identify students at risk of falling behind. Students who are identified as below benchmarks are assessed diagnostically to then provide intensive intervention as part of Tiers 2 and 3 support. 

The MOI and FDOI complement the MTSS framework in several ways. As MOI and FDOI provide rich information on student mathematical understanding, this supports the development of a teaching and learning plan that recognises the knowledge and skills students still need to acquire or further deepen at Tier 1.

Given the diagnostic nature of MOI and FDOI assessment, these tools can also inform decisions about the interventions required at Tier 2 and 3. Further assessment using the tools can provide progress monitoring that can determine the effectiveness of specific approaches and inform instructional decisions on whether to continue, intensify or cease interventions and supports.

Further support: