Teaching your child to be cybersafe will help them to engage with the online world safely, responsibly and discerningly and can assist to protect them from online risks.
Sometimes children are faced with online situations that they simply don’t know how to handle. This means that schools should have ongoing campaigns and programs to teach children and young people the knowledge and skills they need to prevent bullying and other inappropriate behaviours they see online, to intervene effectively when incidents occur, to celebrate diversity, and to promote friendship and positive social behaviours.
The culture of a school is set by the leadership and teachers, but it is students and parents that can really make it strong. When students feel empowered to work with adults, to create opportunities for positive relationships and make commitments to engage in positive behaviours they can establish a positive peer group culture that makes a huge contribution to the school culture.
Common cybersafety issues for children include cyberbullying, accessing or sharing inappropriate content and protecting their personal information.
For more information on how you can be a positive online role model for your child, see the factsheet.
Parent factsheet: Social media and your school