Drama levels 9 and 10

Lesson overview – Drama

This lesson is part of a Level 9 and 10 Drama unit that uses A Midsummer Night's Dream as a focus text. This lesson examines subtext through the use of inner monologues.

Victorian Curriculum

Levels 9 and 10

Improvise with the elements of drama and narrative structure to develop ideas, and explore subtext to shape devised and scripted drama (VCADRE040).

Learning intention

We are using inner monologues to explore the implied aspects of character.

Success criteria

I can interpret the subtext of dialogue to compose an inner monologue for selected characters.

Extension ideas

Extend the success criteria (outcome): I can compose an inner monologue, in creative form, that reflects the subtext of dialogue.

Lesson sequence

  1. Students are provided with Act 2 Scene 1 lines 188-244 of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
  2. Students are divided into groups of four.
  3. Two students read the two characters' lines. The other two students improvise the two characters' consciences to create inner monologues to go with the dialogue.

Extension ideas

High-ability students could be:

  • grouped together for this task
  • asked to select their own scene from the play to be turned into an inner monologue
  • asked to transform the inner monologue into an alternative form. For example, a Rap song, a poem, a telegram, or other forms that the high-ability students may come up with.


This lesson plan is adapted from Bell Shakespeare's Learning Resources: A Midsummer Night's Dream post performance activity 5.