This page provides a series of professional learning videos that schools can use to initiate the conversation about meeting the needs of their high-ability students.
The four domains of high-ability
In this video, the Victorian Department of Education and Training's definition of high-ability is unpacked. Particular attention is paid to the four domains of high-ability and what schools can do to support each of these.
Social emotional aspects of high-ability
This professional learning video looks at some of the unique social-emotional issues that students with high-ability in the intellectual domain may face. It takes a close look at the way the ‘forced choice dilemma’ develops in response to students comparing themselves to others, as well as their desire to fit in with their peers.
The video also unpacks friendship issues and perfectionism. Strategies for assisting students to navigate these social-emotional issues are also presented. The video refers to the following resources that are also contained in this toolkit:
Leading high-ability
This professional learning video looks at leading high-ability through a whole school approach. It utilises the four phases of the FISO improvement cycle, to help develop a sustainable approach to high-ability. The video unpacks each of the four phases of the FISO model, with a focus on high-ability. The video refers to the following resources that are also contained in this toolkit:
Using data to support differentiation
This professional learning video looks at using data to support differentiation for high-ability students. It outlines different types of data, and explores considerations for data collection. Data analysis is discussed, and then strategies for using data to support differentiation are presented. The video refers to the following resources that are also contained in this toolkit: