Why have a vision for learning and wellbeing?
A vision for learning and wellbeing helps teachers and school leaders to create a unified set of values and beliefs which drive the development of a high performing and inclusive teaching culture. It creates the foundation for success and a narrative for change.
A vision for learning and wellbeing is framed by the following fundamental questions:
- Why are we here?
- What do we stand for?
- How do we achieve our goals?
When teachers can identify the values and beliefs at the centre of their practice, they have a frame of reference that helps them to evaluate their current practice. Mindsets change when teachers actively adjust their practice to ensure it is aligned with their core values and beliefs.
Together, the vision for learning and wellbeing and the practice principles will help teachers and school leaders to consider:
- what school communities and teachers value
- the beliefs about learning which underpin practice
- how current practice helps to achieve what is valued
- how new practices will help to achieve what we value.
What is our vision for learning and wellbeing?
‘All students are empowered to learn and achieve, experiencing high quality teaching practice that promotes learning and wellbeing, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and to shape the world around them.’
With students at its centre, the vision outlines our aspiration for all students to achieve and grow, and to realise the goals of lifelong learning and wellbeing.
Students will be empowered to:
- take ownership of their learning
- make purposeful contributions to their learning environments
- respond positively to challenges and opportunities throughout their lives.
Our vision for learning and wellbeing also recognises the central role of teachers as they use expert knowledge, skills and dispositions as designers. They develop engaging and appropriately challenging teaching programs and create the optimal conditions for student learning and wellbeing, including supporting parents as first educators and partners in education.
Teachers model lifelong learning as they build reflection and deep levels of thinking into their practice and challenge themselves and their students to co-construct and apply new knowledge.
Victoria's vision for learning and wellbeing creates the narrative for change and draws our focus to the values and beliefs at the heart of excellent teaching practice. For teachers and school leaders in Victorian schools it provides a starting point for a close analysis of school culture and professional practice.