Note three: small school access to learning specialists

​Small schools face unique and diverse circumstances. Therefore, we want to encourage flexibility in accessing learning specialists and enable small schools to implement the best solutions for them.

To guide small schools and networks in the development of their learning specialist arrangements, three guiding principles have been developed:

  1. Small schools are encouraged to establish local sharing arrangements that will enable access to learning specialists, noting that arrangements will vary according to their size, geography and specific Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) goals. Sharing arrangements should operate within networks (or Areas if necessary) wherever possible.
  2. Funds provided to small schools for learning specialists can be used to support sharing arrangements, to access classroom observation and collaborative practice, noting that (for small schools only) this may include purposes other than employing a learning specialist (possible approaches are outlined below).
  3. Wherever possible, small schools are encouraged to use technology to facilitate virtual learning, observation, feedback and collaboration.

To learn more about learning specialists in small schools, read the professional practice note below.

Professional practice note three: small school access to learning specialists