Gender issues in Maths: Activities

Within this section of this monograph, we provide a range of activities that can be used with mathematics teachers, students, and/or with other members of the school community.

The instruments associated with the activities should be used to examine and explore provocations about gender issues as they relate to the teaching and learning of mathematics. For each activity, we suggest with whom to use the instrument and the setting in which it might work best, and provide instructions on how to prepare and administer the instrument, and how to analyse any gathered data.

The activities should be seen as relevant in the planning of a road map to attaining gender equity in your school. Pertinent activities can be selected to be used in professional learning settings (in-house or invited facilitators). Findings from the activities can be shared with other school community groups (school leadership team, teachers of other subjects, professional support staff, school council, and parents).

As a result of the activities with mathematics teachers, an action plan for change to address identified gender inequities can be developed. Students should be provided with feedback on the data gathered from them.

To support students, the school community might consider:

  • exposing and challenging stereotyped views
  • encouraging students to examine why they feel as they do, and who influenced and shaped their views
  • discuss their views on what might improve/change their beliefs and expectations, and how they might challenge the views of those who influence them.

The outcomes of all actions aimed at achieving gender equity in mathematics in your school should be evaluated.

Activity one: Raising awareness of gender and mathematics in society and your school

Before change can be embarked upon, members of the school community (the school leadership team, school council members, teachers, professional support staff, and students) need to be aware of the pertinent issues and why they are important.

Raising awareness is a good way to begin the quest of meeting your school goal of gender equity in mathematics.

Before calling various meetings, the mathematics teaching team, with the support of the school administration should gather and analyse your school’s data by gender on:

  • NAPLAN numeracy results.
  • VCE subject enrolments and past results.
  • representation of girls and boys in mathematics groupings (e.g., if your school has streamed mathematics classes, mathematics clubs, extra-curricular programs; if your students participate in mathematics competitions; etc.).

Through appropriate channels, share the school’s data on gender and mathematics learning with the school community (e.g., staff, school council, parent meetings; assemblies; newsletters, website, etc.). The following should be considered for inclusion and comparison:

  • Australian and international data (see Stem equity); some Victorian data are included in the Evidence Base section of this monograph.
  • State NAPLAN 
  • PISA data that can be extracted from the PISA report

Use research findings to highlight potential contributing factors – see the Glossary of key terms used in research and Evidence Base in this monograph for guidance.

Invite comments/thoughts on the data presented.

Highlight why attaining gender equity in mathematics in your school is important.

Present ideas on the steps that can be taken towards achieving the goal.

Activity two: Views of Mathematics

This activity serves as a simple method for exploring your students’ thoughts and feelings about mathematics. It could also be used with teachers of subjects other than mathematics.


Make multiple copies of the 'View on mathematics sheet' found in the downloadable version of this monograph.

Give a copy of the sheet to each student in your class.

Ask students to write one or more words against each spoke to indicate what they think about, and how they feel, when they hear the word, “mathematics”.

Be sure to tell them that there are no right or wrong answers – you are just interested in what THEY think and feel. If necessary give them a few examples to start: for example fun, interesting, geometry etc.

Data analyses

Analyse the data separately for girls and boys. Look at the words they have used to describe:

  • their thoughts about mathematics
  • their feelings about mathematics.

Sort the words into POSITIVE thoughts/feelings and NEGATIVE thoughts/feelings.


Overall, were students’ thoughts and feelings about mathematics more likely to be positive or negative? Why might that be? Were the patterns of positive and negative thoughts and feelings similar or different for girls and boys? Why might that be?

If you used the activity with students at different grade levels, were there any differences, by grade level, in the thoughts and feelings tapped? As a group, were older or younger students more positive? Were the patterns different for girls and boys? Why might that be?

How might you address students’ negative thoughts and feelings about mathematics?

Activity three: (Sub-conscious) gender-stereotyped views

This activity is suitable for students. It can also be completed by teachers.

Draw a mathematician

The activity offers a simple opportunity to determine how and what students think about mathematicians.


Give students a piece of paper. The students should indicate their gender on the sheet – girl/boy/non-binary.

Ask the students to “Draw a mathematician”. Also, ask them to add a sentence or two to explain who or what they have drawn, and their reasons for the particular depiction of a mathematician.

Analysing the drawings

Collect the drawings and analyse them. You could also analyse the drawings separately for girls and boys.

Use the following characteristics for guidance in your analysis:

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Hair
  • Glasses
  • Where located
  • What doing

Compare your findings with those of researchers. Many of the characteristics of the drawings of mathematicians are aptly summarised in the following quotation from Berry and Picker (2000, p. 25):

In the 306 surveys returned from schools in England and the USA, the images of mathematicians were primarily male, all were white, the majority with glasses and/or a beard, balding or with weird hair, invariably at a blackboard or computer. When the drawing included a blackboard, one of two types of writings was generally on it: trivial arithmetic, such as 1+1=2; or a meaningless gibberish of mathematical symbols and formulas. Often among these symbols could be discerned Einstein’s ‘E=mc2.

Others have also found that if a woman is drawn, she is most often depicted as a teacher and that in several drawings, gender-neutral people are portrayed. It is often noted that very few males or females perceive women as mathematicians, despite advances in gender equity in society. It is considered important to expose girls (and boys) to female role models in mathematics and to explore the challenges women faced being recognised as mathematicians in the past. The film, “Hidden Figures”, and other resources (see lists of suggested Resources: Readings and YouTube videos) are available as conversation starters with students.


  • Were gender stereotypes evident in the students’ drawings?
  • What factors may have contributed to the views of mathematicians that your students hold?

An alternative approach

Many instruments have been used in research studies to explore students, pre-service teachers, and the general public’s views on mathematics. Personal views have been found to reflect gender differences, and people’s views about boys and girls and their aptitude for mathematics have also been found to differ.

The two instruments found in the Leder and Forgasz (2002) article (reference below) have been used, often modified or adapted, in a variety of studies both in Australia and internationally. They are not achievement tests and are best thought of as attitude inventories, with a focus on the extent of gender stereotyping of mathematics. They offer an alternative way to understand better your students’ attitudes and feeling.

Leder, G. C., & Forgasz, H. J. (2002). Two new instruments to probe attitudes about gender and mathematics

Activity four: Attitudes towards Mathematics

This activity involves exploring students’ feelings (attitudes and beliefs) towards mathematics and themselves as learners of the subject, as well as their attributions for success and failure in mathematics.

The instrument includes items that tap their views on the importance of mathematics, the learning settings they like (individual/co-operative), their peer’s reactions to their efforts, and their beliefs about their teachers, as well as whether they are anxious about mathematics.


Make copies of the Attitudes to mathematics instrument found in the downloadable version of this monograph.

Distribute copies of the instrument. It should not take more than 15 minutes for the students to complete.


Analyse the responses separately for girls and boys, noting how many boys and how many girls completed the instrument.

For each of the items 1–19, tally the numbers of Yes/No/Neutral responses.

For each of the items 20–21, tally the numbers of responses in each category.

For item 21, categorise the responses and find totals for each category.

The following are some common responses: mother, father, sister, brother, tutor, friend, other.

Compare the responses of girls and boys on the 21 items.

If approximately equal numbers of boys and girls completed the instrument, then trends can be identified by simply comparing the numbers.

If, however, there were a different number of girls and of boys who completed the instrument, you should use percentages (within gender) to make comparisons.


  • What can you deduce from the patterns of responses to the first 19 items?
  • Do girls and boys hold similar views on some items but not on others? What factors may have contributed to any differences you find?
  • Are the results for questions 20 and 21 similar to, or different from, the findings from research in the past?
  • For question 22, were the people boys and girls turned to for assistance with homework similar or different? Who were the most likely people help was sought from? What factors may have contributed to the patterns you found?

Activity five: Gender bias and Mathematics - evaluating students' capabilities and potential

This activity is suitable for mathematics teachers; it is also appropriate for teachers of other subjects.


The instrument to use for this activity is provided in the downloadable version of this monograph.

Prepare several copies of each of the two case studies (Denis and Denise).

Groups of 3 or 4 teachers work best for this activity.

Give a copy of only ONE of the case studies to each group. No group should be aware of what any other group is doing. Each case study should be considered by at least one of the groups.

The group should reach an agreed consensus on:

  • what subjects the student would be recommended to study in Year 12
  • what the student is likely to be doing one year after leaving school
  • what the student is likely to be doing when 30 years of age.

After about 15 minutes, open a discussion to compare what the groups have to say about Denis and Denise.


The profiles of Denis and Denise were identical. From the perspective of gender equity, it would be expected that the groups’ responses to the questions above should be identical.

Were there differences in the responses to any of the above depending on the name, Denis or Denise, on the case study profiles? If yes, why did teachers respond differently?

Activity six: Gender and careers involving Mathematics

This activity is suitable for mathematics teachers and/or students. The activity involves exploring the AMSI careers website. The goal is to highlight the range of career and job options for which mathematical skills are needed. Much other useful information about mathematics and careers can also be found on the website.


Go to AMSI careers

Scroll down to click on "Search Careers", then, click on “I am interested in…” and make a selection. There are 11 options including Education, Science and Environment, Sports and Recreation.

Allow students/teachers ample time to explore the various options. Then open a discussion about what they found that they did not know about previously.

Further explorations

Start at AMSI careers

  1. Scroll down the page and explore the “Profiles”
  2. Now, at the top of the page, select: “Parents” and explore the options on “Take home tips”
  3. Again, from the top of the page, select: “Resources” and explore the range of “videos” and/or the “Download resources”


  • What are the effects of limited knowledge of the career/job options that draw on mathematical skills?
  • Who should be helping students to be more aware of the range of options, and when?
  • How might more knowledge of career/job opportunities affect mathematics subject choices in Years 11 and 12?

The impact of not studying higher-level mathematics on girls’ career options and the factors contributing to girls’ decisions are discussed in many areas in this monograph. The Chief Scientist of Australia’s words quoted in the Introduction to the monograph encapsulates why this issue needs to be addressed. Doing so is important for Australia’s future.

Activity seven: Mathematics classroom observation of practice

Observation of classroom practices can be viewed as threatening. However, with appropriate discussion of the purposes for the observations – professional learning, ongoing reflection on current practices, and developing a gender-equitable mathematics classroom with enhanced learning opportunities for students – observations can be rewarding and inspirational.

Inside the mathematics classroom – observation of practice: this classroom observation activity may be adapted and modified to cover a wider range of lessons (e.g., in other subject areas) or interactions and serve as a group engagement activity.

Observation of a Mathematics lesson

You can use one or more colleagues to serve as classroom observers.

Before the observation period

The layout of the classroom should be recorded on a sheet of paper (or using appropriate computer software) to indicate:

  • The location of the tables/desks.
  • Seating arrangements – who is sitting where.

Do this by earmarking a square for each student to indicate where she/he will be sitting. Label each square so you can easily recognize who was sitting there (e.g., for each student, use the student’s initials as well as an ‘M’ or an ‘F’).

Now, prepare a copy of the observation sheet for the particular observation task (e.g., types of questions asked of whom) for a lesson. You will need to provide a stopwatch or equivalent if you are interested in wait time data.

If you wish to focus on different types of observation tasks in one lesson, you will need multiple observers, each having a copy of the observation sheet. Each observer should focus on only one observation task.

For the observer(s)

Ask the observer(s) to carry out the observation task(s). Provide each observer with the relevant guidance notes.

  1. If you are interested in where you spend most of your time: ask the observer to record, every 60 seconds, a “t” on each square which most nearly identifies your position in the room.
  2. If you are interested in the feedback to the students in your class, ask the observer to record in the appropriate square: 

    “p” for praise relating to an academic aspect of the student’s work (e.g., that is a great idea)

    “c” for criticism relating to an academic aspect of the student’s work (e.g., that is a silly mistake)

    “np” for praise relating to a non-intellectual aspect of the work (e.g., that is very neat writing)

    “NC” for criticism relating to a non-intellectual aspect of the work (e.g., this is not set out properly) as well, add “s” in the square if the student asked a question 

  3. If you are interested in the quality of the questions you ask your students, ask the observer to record in the appropriate square the code:

    “r” for a routine/procedural question requiring only a short answer

    “ho” for a higher-order, complex question

    “d” for a reprimand/discipline

  4. If you are interested in the wait time allowed before a response is required from the student, you will need to prepare a slightly different, appropriate observation sheet for the observer to record the times (e.g. < 2 seconds, 3<time<10 seconds, >10 seconds) for questions to boys and girls.

Follow up/provocations:

  • Analyse the data once you have gathered and collated the data from the sheets.
  • How well do you know your students?
  • Are there any implications for the ways you interact with the boys and girls in your class?

Using video: Examining aspects of your interaction with the students in your Mathematics classroom

Rather than having a colleague observe your mathematics lesson, you can arrange for a video of your mathematics lesson to be made. The advantage of a video is that you can review (and re-review) the lesson at your leisure.

But before embarking on the making of the video:

  • Consider a brief excerpt of the use of video material to reflect on classroom practice. Watch the YouTube video Check that you have access to the appropriate video equipment. Could the approach adopted at that school be modified to focus on the classroom interactions of the teacher with boys and girls and ultimately ensure that boys and girls are treated equitably?
  • Watch the YouTube video and think how this could be used for the analysis of teacher-student interactions. Could capturing and reviewing such lessons, and modifying the interaction patterns if necessary, be used to ensure gender equity in the classroom?
  • Watch the YouTube video of a snapshot from a Grade 4 classroom. Is there sufficient evidence to assess whether boys and girls are treated equitably?

Again, before making the video, you need to decide on which teacher/student interactions you want to focus on and have recorded. For example, you may be interested in knowing which students (boys/girls) you spend most of your time with, or you may wish to focus on the types of questions you ask and to whom (boys/girls), or what type of feedback you provide and to whom (boys/girls). Through repeated viewing of the video, you may be able to focus on each of these types of interactions sequentially.

Suppose you are interested in looking at the types of questions you pose, the wait time you provide, and the feedback you give. Here are some aspects you may want to consider when examining the video for gender equity:

The questions you ask

  • Who is asked (boys/girls): Questions requiring only a short answer? (e.g., a routine or procedural question).
  • How long did you wait for an answer (wait time)? More searching, higher-order, complex questions.
  • How long did you wait for an answer? Who is involved in extended exchanges: prompts, cues, follow up questions etc.?

Feedback you give

When you give feedback, who (boys/girls):

  • is praised?
  • receives critical feedback?
  • receives no feedback?
  • gets a neutral response?
  • receives a non-verbal response?

It is often most informative if you also later watch the video without sound.


  • Did you treat boys and girls equitably in your lesson?
  • Is this what you expected to find?
  • What now?

Comparisons with other previous research

Under the sub-heading “What about teachers” in the Evidence base of this monograph, previous research findings on classroom observations are presented.

Whether you completed the classroom observations with observer(s) or using a video, reflect on:

  • How do the findings from your mathematics classroom compare with what earlier researchers have found?
  • What are the implications of the findings for you as the teacher, and for the students in your mathematics class?

Other potential foci for observations to determine if gender equity is evident in the Mathematics classroom

  • Which teaching strategies predominate? Teacher-centred? Student-centred?
  • Are particular teaching strategies valued over others?
  • Are different learning styles (collaborative/competitive/individual) catered for?
  • Are particular learning styles privileged over others?

Activity eight: Assessment of Mathematical knowledge

This activity is aimed at mathematics students. As discussed in the Evidence Base section of this monograph, it has been found that, on average, boys outperform girls on timed tests/exams (e.g., NAPLAN, VCE mathematics subjects – examination components, PISA, TIMSS), but that girls’ performance on many other assessment types is equal to or better than boys’.

Responses to the instrument, Assessment questionnaire will provide teachers information about students’ beliefs and perspectives on mathematics assessment.


Prepare multiple copies of the Assessment questionnaire provided in the downloadable version of this Monograph. Administer the questionnaire to students. It should not take more than 20 minutes to complete.

Data analysis

Analyse the data separately for girls and boys.

Questions 1a and 1b

Tally the responses to Q1a for each category. Compare the results for girls and boys.

Carefully examine and categorise the responses to Q1b. Common explanations for the choice made include, for example, “girls are no good at maths” and “boys are naturally good at maths”.

Question 2

There were ten assessment types presented. Tally the responses on students’ most preferred assessment type (ranked 1) and their least preferred assessment type (ranked 10).

Questions 3a and 3b

For Q3a, tally the responses for the most and the least preferred question type.

For Q3b, examine closely which question type/s girls and boys believe they do best.


  • Do girls and boys hold similar or different beliefs about who is better at mathematics?
  • How do the girls’ and boys’ beliefs compare with previous research findings?
  • Are girls’ and boys’ most (and least) preferred assessment types the same?
  • Are girls’ and boys’ most and least preferred question types (with or without people – men/women) the same?
  • Are the types of questions on which girls and boys think they will perform best the same?
  • Overall, are there gender differences in students’ beliefs and preferences related to assessment and question types? What are the implications of these findings?

Activity nine: Analyses of Mathematics textbooks for gender equity

This activity is suitable for mathematics teachers. Gender equity issues to watch out for when selecting a mathematics textbook (or other mathematics teaching resource). See Forgasz (1996) – reference below.

Photographs, illustrations, and the wording of problems/examples should be examined. For a textbook (or another teaching resource) to reflect gender equity, the following should be evident:

  • Close to equal numbers of males and females.
  • Males and females fairly equally share active (‘doer’) and passive (helper/observer) roles.
  • A balance of contextual settings of interest to males and females (not necessarily gender-neutral activities).
  • The settings, occupations, and professions & illustrated or mentioned are not gender-stereotyped.

Forgasz, H. (1996). Equity and the selection of textbooks: an analysed example and a checklist. Vinculum, 33(4), 6-8.


Teachers can work in pairs on this task using a mathematics textbook that is being used in Year 7, 8, 9, or 10.

Photographs and illustrations

At least one pair should focus on photographs and illustrations in the textbook.

Each pair should work on every 10th page in the book but with a different starting page (e.g., 1 group working from p.1 and every 10th page; the next pair starting at p.2 and every 10th page; etc.)

For each photograph or illustration, the pair should record:

  • The number of males, females, or gender-neutral people.
  • The number of active roles taken and the gender breakup of them AND the number of passive roles and the gender breakup of them.
  • The wording of problems/examples.

At least one pair should focus on the wording of problems/examples.

Each pair should randomly select 5 pages from the textbook which has problems/examples.

For each problem/example, the pair should record:

  • Whether there is a context for the problem/example or if it is mathematically symbolic only.
  • If there is a context: Is the setting, occupation, or profession used gender-stereotyped or not? Whether the context of the problem/example is likely to be of more interest to males, to females, or whether it is gender-neutral.

Reporting back and discussion

On a whiteboard or projected Excel sheet, each pair should record their results – the whiteboard/Excel sheet should be pre-prepared with the appropriate headings. Totals should be calculated. Discuss the findings concerning each of the tasks undertaken in the activity.


In the introduction to this activity, features to focus on when selecting a mathematics textbook for gender equity were outlined.

  • How do your findings match with the issues listed? Has anything changed over time?
  • Will changes need to be made in the mathematics textbook selection process adopted in your school?