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An online tool for schools
Every year, leadership teams within schools plan how they will provide the best learning opportunities for students. These teams use the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) Improvement Cycle, to help:
- reflect on what they have done well, and what has been a challenge
- consider what strategies they would like to use to help their students to learn
- plan out what these strategies will look like
- monitor whether these strategies have helped student learning.
"I am really impressed with SPOT and have so far found it very intuitive and a useful planning and review tool." - Principal
Learn more about the
Improvement Cycle.
In 2017, the Strategic Planning Online Tool (SPOT) was launched to help schools simplify this planning process. Instead of having to complete hard copies of these planning documents on paper, schools can now complete all planning documentation on SPOT, where they are guided through each step. This means that schools can:
- work together to share ideas and insights
- store all school improvement documents in one place
- share documents easily with Regional and Central colleagues
- monitor progress of their improvement journey on SPOT.
As well as assisting with planning, SPOT also helps schools to produce documents to share with
their school community, such as the Annual Report. Learn more about the
Annual Report.
Listening to feedback
The SPOT team are committed to ensuring SPOT is as user-friendly and functional as possible for schools.
"Schools have their hands full providing the best learning outcomes for their students. SPOT can take some of the burden off school leadership teams by making their planning process a little easier." – SPOT team member
If you have an idea to share, or any questions about SPOT, please contact
SPOT Videos
Schools use SPOT in a variety of ways to suit each of their contexts. The following video highlights how three schools are using SPOT to support their school planning.
Watch the videos below to see how each of these schools are using the SPOT platform to support their planning processes. When used collaboratively, SPOT supports effective planning, implementation and monitoring to improve student learning outcomes.
Eildon Primary School
Eildon Primary School is a small, rural school in North-Eastern Victoria. This video shows how Eildon Primary is using SPOT to monitor their progress and develop a strong understanding of school improvement efforts across the whole staff.
For more information about this case study, see:
Using SPOT in a small, rural school (docx - 368.07kb)
Warringa Park School
Warringa Park School is a multi-campus school located in South-Western Victoria. This video shows how Warringa Park School is using SPOT to share planning and school improvement processes across their multiple campuses.
For more information about this case study, see:
Using SPOT in a multi-campus school (docx - 387.55kb)
Roxburgh College
Roxburgh College is a large college located in North-Western Victoria. This video shows how Roxburgh College is using SPOT to provide access to school strategic planning documentation across all levels of staff.
For more information about this case study, see:
Using SPOT in a large college (docx - 515.58kb)