
Individual learning focus area evaluations

Each learning focus area has a specific evaluation guide. It contains guidance on creating a survey on participant experience.

Overall impact evaluation

An overall evaluation of the online student reporting professional learning program is also included. School leaders can select one or more future points in time to do this. It has 2 parts:

  • Part 1 – teacher and school practice
  • Part 2 – students and parents 

Overall impact evaluation: Part 1 – teacher and school practice

Evaluating_Overall_Investigation Teacher School Practice has a guide to creating a survey. In the survey, educators are asked to self-assess along a continuum. Participants could include:

  • members of the leadership team
  • selected or all teacher leaders
  • selected or the whole staff.

Participants complete the survey, then invite the team to share their responses. Participants synthesise the findings and share them with the school community. These prompts may help:

  • Where have we seen the most progress and growth in relation to 'our reimagined processes for more meaningful reporting'?
  • What has enabled this progress and growth?
  • What areas have presented the greatest challenges? Why?
  • What might our next steps be? 

Overall impact evaluation: Part 2 – students and parents

Evaluating overall investigation students and parents provides example prompts to use in surveys, focus group interviews and conversations.

When facilitating these with participants, ensure you distinguish between reporting processes and products.

School reflections

See the recordings of Jackie Knight, Assistant Principal of Glen Waverley Secondary College and Kathy Winton, Assistant Principal of Footscray Primary School who reflect on their experiences taking part in the Student reporting professional learning program.


Kathy Winton, Assistant Principal of Footscray Primary School


Jackie Knight, Assistant Principal of Glen Waverley Secondary College