Schools Mental Health Menu

The Victorian government has invested $217.8 million over four years to support student mental health and wellbeing, including $200 million over four years and $87 million ongoing to create a Schools Mental Health Fund (the Fund). Underpinning the Fund is the evidence-based Menu (the Menu).

The Menu provides schools with opportunities to purchase evidence-based programs and initiatives across the three tiers of intervention. This includes initiatives that:

  • promote student mental health and wellbeing
  • enable schools to intervene early to support students
  • provide targeted and more individualised support for students who need it. 

Menu items have been externally assessed for how well they support student mental health and wellbeing, ensuring schools have access to a range of evidence-based supports to meet their needs.

Further information for schools on the Fund and Menu is available on the schools' Policy and Advisory Library (PAL).  

How to be included on the Menu in the future

We anticipate another Invitation to Supply process will run in 2024.

Providers of evidence-based student mental health and wellbeing programs wishing to be considered for inclusion on the 2024 Menu should register on the Victorian government's Buying for Victoria website: and complete the following steps:

  • Register an account
  • Sign up for any future School Mental Health Menu updates by saving a search for 'Mental Health' tenders issued by the Department of Education
  • For any technical assistance, please contact the Buying for Victoria helpdesk directly on (03) 7005 9777

Providers can regularly check the Buying for Victoria website and set up tender alerts appropriate to their services. The department will also update this Schools Mental Health Menu web page when the next round is opened.

How schools can engage a Menu provider

Schools are expected to follow the Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu procurement rules of use when using their Fund allocation to purchase from the Menu.

Following the rules of use will support schools to ensure they receive the best value for money, have the required oversight to monitor Menu item quality and comply with legislative and procurement policy requirements.

The rules of use include a Request For Quote (RFQ) template (appendix 1) and a Purchase Order (appendix 2) for schools to use when purchasing Menu items.

All engagements with providers will be in accordance with the Head Contract Agreement in place with the department.

Schools Mental Health Menu - All Items

Use the buttons below to apply a filter to the Menu items. Note: only one filter can be selected and applied at once.