
Log in to eduPay
Department email address and email password required

eduPay is the Department's HR and payroll system where you can:

  • view your leave balances
  • view and download payslips
  • apply for leave
  • view and update contact details
  • update banking details.

eduPay help

If you can't login or need help, phone 1800 641 943.

For eduPay manuals and instructions, see: eduPay help


You are reminded of these security precautions when accessing eduPay:

  • your Department email address and email password provide access to the payroll, which contains your personal and payroll details
  • keep your password secret.  Do not disclose your password to anyone and never respond to an email that requests your password – The Department will never ask you for your password in an email
  • do not log onto eduPay from an unsecured computer, for example, do not access eduPay from an internet cafe, restaurant or coffee shop that provides free Wi-Fi
  • make sure the antivirus software is up to date on any computer or tablet you use to access eduPay
  • read the Remote Login help instructions guide (below) before accessing eduPay from an external location

eduPay Availab​​ility

If you have difficulty accessing eduPay, first check the HR Systems availability page to determine if there is a known issue or scheduled maintenance period (link below) then select the Access eduPay link under Other Resources below.

Access eduPay and Employee Self Service

Access to eduPay is available from your workplace when connected to the Department or School network and available remotely from an external location – such as from home, using the same link.  Login link and details are the same from either location.

Some features of Employee Self Service are not available when accessed from an external location – such as updates to personal banking details.  The login process will automatically determine the location you are logging in from and automatically assign full or limited access to Employee Self Service features.

 Access eduPay using the link below:

** Previous external or remote access to eduPay was by using a separate login URL.  This is no longer required and will no longer work.  Use the link above.  Users are reminded to delete any previously saved favourite or bookmark they may have to eduPay and update their favourite or bookmark with the new link above.

Note: Accessing eduPay from a remote connection (such as from home) does not allow updates to personal banking details.

Other Resources

Procedures and Forms

  • Forms - for use with eduPay where ESS cannot be used

Related eduPay web Pages

 Contact Us