VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, High expectations for every child, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Equity and diversity, Assessment for learning and development, Integrated teaching and learning approaches, Partnerships with professionals.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Not applicable
Yarn Strong Sista (YSS) is a Victorian Indigenous education consultancy service. Its services include tailored cross-cultural (Aboriginal) awareness programs for early childhood, storytelling and arts workshops with children (at kindergarten services) and professional development training for educators. It also provides First Nations-designed resources and educational tools.
Supporting Education through the COVID19 health crisis
YSS has explored new ways to re-purpose existing programs to create rich learning experiences through these challenging times. Due to COVID-19 YSS will be delivering these adapted programs:
- Professional Learning Workshops and Mentoring via Zoom
- Mentoring via Zoom, Skype, telephone conference
- Aboriginal Storytelling via Zoom
- Exchange the Aboriginal Storytelling workshops for Bush Tucker Mural Set
- Exchange for Aboriginal Storytelling workshops to Aboriginal and Anti - Bias Resources
The Yarn Strong Sista anti-bias curriculum provides resources to reflect the following:
- Inclusion
- Additional Needs
- Cultural Diversity
- Dual Language
- Multicultural
- Family Diversity
Detailed Costs
A variety of resources and supports are available. Please contact the Menu provider for a personalised quote.
Implementation Considerations
Target population: children, families and educators in kindergarten settings who require support in the area of cultural awareness and inclusion.
Factors to consider: services will need to ensure that cultural supports are appropriate to the local area and community. Supports must be provided in accordance with the VEYLDF.
Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing training.
Priority Area
Access and inclusion
Strength of Evidence
Level 6 - Supported by expert opinion