VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, High expectations for every child, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Equity and diversity, Assessment for learning and development, Integrated teaching and learning approaches, Partnerships with professionals.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Not applicable
Learning about Aboriginal cultures and valuing
the place of Aboriginal people is essential to understanding and implementing
the revised Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). The VEYLDF recognises and respects Aboriginal cultures and their unique
place in the heritage and future of Victoria, and acknowledges Aboriginal
culture as one of the four important areas of practice. Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan
2016-2026 requires all services to embed Koorie aspirations and outcomes as
core business, including early childhood services, schools and training providers.
Learning about and valuing the place of Aboriginal people enhances Victorian children's sense of place in our community, and is valuable to all early childhood services, including those that have Koorie children and families already attending, as well as those that don't yet.
VAEAI is the peak organisation for Aboriginal
education and training in Victoria. VAEAI represents the Koorie
Community in relation to education policy development and strategic programming
at the local, state and national levels. VAEAI supports the provision of education and training
that reinforces Aboriginal cultural identity and increases
awareness in the wider community of Koorie culture and aspirations.
VAEAI’s Early Years Unit provides cultural
awareness and Aboriginal-inclusion professional learning and resources for educators.
Through the professional learning and resources, services are shown how to create a welcoming environment and experience for Koorie children and Koorie parents/families in relation to access (i.e. contacting services, enrolling in services, and maintaining an ongoing positive relationship with services), benefitting the learning experience of all children.
It is recommended that services work in partnership with VAEAI to ensure that cultural supports are appropriate to the local area and community.
Detailed Costs
Costs vary according to support or resources accessed. Contact provider or visit website for details.
Implementation Considerations
Target population: educators in kindergarten settings who require support in the area of Aboriginal cultural awareness and inclusion.
Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing this resource.
Factors to consider: services are encouraged consider how staff may be able to share the practice knowledge they obtain from this resource with others at the service. This will ensure that improved approaches to practice or innovative ideas can be implemented across the service as a whole.
Priority Area
Access and inclusion
Strength of Evidence
Level 6 - Supported by expert opinion