VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Partnerships with families, Integrated teaching and learning approaches.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children engage with a range of texts and get meaning from these texts, Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media, Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.
Let's Read eLearning packages are designed to help early childhood professionals:
- create environments and experiences that support language and literacy growth
- encourage families to share books, songs and nursery rhymes with their children
- foster emergent literacy with children - from babies to pre-school age
- address features of the VEYLDF and the National Quality Standard.
Let's Read offers two main activities to support school readiness:
- professional development for educators through 'Let's Read eLearning'
- a community-wide approach through the 'Let's Read Community Program'.
These activities can be run separately or together.
Detailed Costs
Implementation Considerations
Target population: educators, parents/carers. (Let's Read eLearning targets educators' practices within a service, along with the children and families who use that service. The Let's Read Community Program targets entire communities.)
Program/practice descriptions and details: any early childhood professional or service can benefit from the eLearning and ongoing support for its implementation via the enhanced service-wide packages.
Staffing: the Let's Read Community Program can be delivered by any trusted community professional or community member, such as an educator, maternal and child health nurse, primary school teacher, playgroup coordinator, community worker, community elder, community health worker, home-visiting health personnel, librarian, social worker, child health practitioner, general practitioner, paediatricians or community leader. Services should consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing this resource.
Training requirements: Let's Read eLearning is self-paced and takes about four hours to complete.
Tools and systems: reliable internet access needed for eLearning, and to access complimentary Let's Read website tools. Provider offers ongoing support for both options.
Australian experience: Let's Read was developed by the Centre for Community Child Health at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute and the Royal Children's Hospital in Victoria. The Murdoch Children's Research Institute and The Smith Family have partnered to implement Let's Read with communities across Australia.
Priority Area
Strength of Evidence
Level 7 - Requires further research