SRF Program

  • Early Childhood Learning and Teaching through Play

    VEYLDF Alignment

    ​Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, High expectations for every child, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Equity and diversity, Assessment for learning and development, Integrated teaching and learning approaches.

    ​Item uses these sub-outcomes: Children become strong in their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.


    Early Childhood Learning and Teaching through Play looks at child development and explores the importance of connection with families as well as build skills and confidence for educators to involve and communicate effectively with parents. 

    Participants view segments of video footage and commentary of pedagogy 'in action' to deepen understanding and provide inspiration. Opportunity for guided professional conversation and discussion around play based pedagogy and the priority areas of wellbeing, communication and inclusive practice concludes the session. An e-booklet 'The Importance of Play' will be available for centres to share with families on the completion of this session. 

    This session complements and builds holistically on the skills and knowledge covered in Early Childhood Play Matters and Creating Engaging Environments for Preschoolers.

    To maximise effectiveness, the provider recommends booking coaching sessions for dates after the professional development has been attended. 

    Dates for 2024

    • 21 March 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm
    • 19 June 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm
    • 11 September 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm
    • 6 November 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm

    Detailed Costs

    ​Total cost of Early Childhood Learning and Teaching through Play: $320 per person (excl. GST). Price includes:

    • Digital work booklet session guide for personal professional reflection

    • Access to parent-booklet 

    • 30% discount for 1 hour live Zoom parent/carer session 'Importance of Play' for any service booking 'Learning and Teaching through Play', including e-booklet for parents

    A10% discount is available for 3 registrations or more.

    Travel and accommodation costs need to be considered for the delivery of the face-to-face iteration of the program.

    Implementation Considerations

    ​Target population: early childhood educators of children aged two to six.

    Program/practice descriptions and details: Early Childhood Learning and Teaching through Play builds further on the content of the Early Childhood Play Matters book by exploring development in more detail as well as allowing participants to view the pedagogy ‘in action’ through video footage and commentary. 

    All sessions will be offered online on multiple scheduled dates (mornings or afternoons). Customised onsite sessions can also be arranged.

    Further opportunity for development is offered to educators who complete all three Early Life Foundation modules, with complimentary access to the Early Life Foundations resource hub for 12 months. The resource hub is a library of articles, fact sheets, posters, parent resources and podcasts to inspire and broaden educator’s depth of knowledge.

    Program adaptability: this program can be conducted online or face-to-face. 

    Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill (for half a day) in determining the cost of accessing this training (either online or face-to-face).

    Factors to consider: customised online sessions require a minimum of five participants

    Supervision/Coaching: individual and team coaching is available upon request.

    Training requirements: participants should be certified early childhood educators of children aged two to six with either a Certificate, Diploma and/or Bachelors. Ideally this professional development is for educators who have attended Early Childhood Play Matters and have received the book of the same name. 

    Tools and systems: online participants will require a stable internet connection.

    Priority Area

    Communication (language development), Wellbeing (social and emotional), Access and inclusion

    Strength of Evidence

    ​Level 3 - Promising research evidence