VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, High expectations for every child, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Equity and diversity, Assessment for learning and development, Integrated teaching and learning approaches, Partnerships with professionals.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media, Children engage with a range of texts and get meaning from these texts, Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work, Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking.
Laying the Foundations (LTF) eLearning is provided by the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Centre for Community Child Health. It consists of five learning modules that give an overview of early childhood learning and development from birth to eight years, with a focus on the dynamic interaction between child health, learning, development and wellbeing.
The modules cover:
1. Child learning and development – current perspectives on child health, learning, development and wellbeing
2. More about child learning and development – factors that affect child health, learning, development and wellbeing, and parent wellbeing and family functioning
3. Prenatal to three years – becoming curious about people and the world around them
4. Learning and development three to five years – participating in an expanding social world
5. Five to eight years – towards greater independence.
LTF is informed by the science of early brain development, current research and practice-based evidence. It provides multiple interactive learning opportunities with current information and resources about young children and their families.
Detailed Costs
Implementation Considerations
Target population: all practitioners who work with children and families, including early childhood educators and those working with families experiencing vulnerability.
Program/practice descriptions and details: participants can access the self-paced online program for 12 months. They can save and exit a module, then resume work, using a 'bookmark' function.
Professionals can purchase the complete course (Modules 1-5) or part thereof. On purchasing the modules, the practitioner has access to the resources for 12 months.
Staffing: allow educators about one hour to complete each module. Services should consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing this resource.
Factors to consider: this resource is useful for educators seeking current perspectives and key principles underpinning child health, learning, development and wellbeing in relation to the VEYLDF. It is also useful for educators requiring further understanding of developmental perspectives when working with children and families.
Tools and systems: reliable internet access needed.
Priority Area
Communication, Wellbeing (social and emotional), Access and inclusion
Strength of Evidence
Level 6 - Supported by expert opinion