VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Respectful relationships and responsible engagement, Equity and diversity, Integrated teaching and learning approaches, Assessment for learning and development.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children become strong in their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
The Fostering Wellbeing program is a series of five workshops that support early childhood educators to identify and respond to children’s needs and support children’s wellbeing. The program is based on the Phoenix Cups framework, which uses the analogy that we choose behaviours to fill a cup. When our cups are full (or filling), we have a strong sense of wellbeing.
This program aims to teach educators practical strategies to support children’s wellbeing, increase the sense of fun and playfulness within educators’ programs, and ensure children have their basic human life needs met. The program uses activities, presentations, readings and resources to encourage educators to collaborate and reflect on current practice.
Detailed Costs
Online, self-paced training course: $298 (including GST). Price includes:
- Individual login to learning management system and course, with 60 days access to content
- Access to recorded videos, live webinar Q&A, downloadable resources and written materials
Face-to-face workshop: $1900 per day (including GST plus travel expenses if necessary).
Quote will be provided upon request to provider. Quote includes:
- Facilitator preparation time
- Facilitator travel time
- Flights, accommodation, car hire and/or transfers if necessary
- Individual participant logins to learning management system where participant can revisit content, and access downloads
- Printing and handouts
Quote does not include: Venue hire and catering
Implementation Considerations
Target population: educators.
Program/practice descriptions and details: the Fostering Wellbeing training has theoretical underpinnings around the Behaviour Guidance approach, Choice theory, and positive psychology. The training further draws from Dr Louise Porter’s model of human needs and the Phoenix Cups framework. The training is presented by Elise Waghorn.
Program adaptability: the program is available to be delivered online or face-to-face. Educators can choose to have a facilitator attend the service and deliver training either as a one day intensive or across numerous visits. Alternatively, educators can choose to do the training as a self-paced online course.
Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill in determining the cost of accessing this training (either online or face-to-face).
Factors to consider: dedicated time commitment for the face-to-face training is 7.5 hours
Tools and systems: educators will need access to internet connection for the online component, or computer/smart phone with video streaming capabilities.
Priority Area
Wellbeing (social and emotional)
Strength of Evidence
Level 5 - Foundational research evidence