VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Equity and diversity, Integrated teaching and learning.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children become strong in their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
Yarn Strong Sista offers three cultural diversity and inclusion support packages for early childhood educators.
Package 1 – Foregrounding Anti-Bias Educational Programs and the VEYLDF Workshop consists of two 3-hour professional learning workshops exploring the importance of foregrounding anti-bias curriculum in the early years. The workshops focus on the research of Louise Derman-Sparks and Elizabeth Jones from Pacific Oaks College, USA, where the anti-bias curriculum was first developed, and how this curriculum would apply to an Australian context.
- Workshop 1: Why is anti-bias curriculum important?
- Workshop 2: Reflections and actions
Package 2 – Foregrounding Anti-Bias Educational Programs Mentoring Sessions consists of a total of 3 hours of mentoring sessions where Yarn Strong Sista consultants will audit the service’s anti-bias early childhood education resources and the educators’ anti-bias approaches within their early childhood practice. Consultants will discuss actions the service has taken in the past when foregrounding anti-bias curriculum within their early years program. From these mentoring sessions, the service can set actions in relation to extending on what is already being done.
Package 3 – Anti-Bias Education Resources Kits consists of dual language books, teachers’ resource books, diverse dolls and clothes, and culturally appropriate fabrics. All resources have been sourced ethically and support local and international businesses via Fair Trade.
Yarn Strong Sista Consultancy can offer the provision of supervision and/or coaching support as part of the ongoing partnership with the early childhood education service.
Detailed Costs
Please contact the Menu provider for a personalised quote.
Implementation Considerations
Target Population: Educators.
Staffing: Services should consider the cost of backfill in determining the cost of accessing the workshops or mentoring sessions.
Tools and systems: Services will need access to a PC with reliable internet access and access to Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype for online workshops and/or mentoring sessions.
Priority Area
Communication (language development), Wellbeing (social and emotional), Access and Inclusion
Strength of Evidence
Level 5 – Foundational research evidence