VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Integrated
teaching and learning approaches.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, Children engage with
a range of texts and get meaning from these texts.
The Language and Literacy Professional Learning Bundle is a set of online
learning modules, webcasts and publications to support educators to build knowledge and contemporary practices around language and literacy in the early years. It includes:
- Supporting Language Development in the Early Years (online learning module)
- Supporting Literacy Learning in the Early Years (hardcopy)
- Supporting Bilingualism During Early Childhood (webcast presentation)
- Learning to Read (hardcopy)
After completing this professional learning bundle, educators will have explored topics including:
- language, literacy and brain development in the early years, and the role of language in shaping identity
- the benefits and advantages of bilingualism for children and their families
- language development and factors (individual, sociocultural and environmental) that influence language development, and how to support this in early childhood.
Educators will also be able to identify and promote language and literacy
during early childhood, and implement reading and writing learning through
play. The program can be completed by individuals or teams.
Detailed Costs
Full bundle (discounted): $93.51
Individual items:
- Supporting Language Development in the Early Years (online module): $45 (incl. GST)
- Supporting Literacy Learning in the Early Years (hardcopy): $16.95 (incl. GST, excl. postage)
- Supporting Bilingualism during Early Childhood (webcast presentation): $25
- Learning to Read (hardcopy): $16.95 (incl. GST, excl. postage)
Plus postage costs (on additional individual hard copy publications)
Implementation Considerations
Target population: educators.
Program/practice descriptions and details: the professional learning bundle is a blended, flexible, self-assessed program that can be used by
individuals or teams. Its collection of publications support educators and
families in building knowledge and contemporary practices around the first
year of school and transitions to school. All content undergoes independent
quality assurance reviews before being made available.
Program adaptability: ECA is experienced in providing professional learning to rural and remote services.
Training requirements: no prerequisites or minimum numbers. The package can be scaled to suit all service types and sizes. There are opportunities
for educators to take their learning further with additional reading and
resources suggestions.
Supervision/coaching: fact sheets with tips and ideas on how to implement the bundle in services are available.
Implementation model: the bundle is a blended, flexible, self-assessed package that can be utilised by individuals or teams. Publications are
designed to be kept and shared with families and across educator teams. They can be revisited to support learning and build understanding over time.
Australian experience: ECA quality assurance protocol includes monitoring content for relevance to the Australian early childhood community.
Current best implementation knowledge: the bundle is designed to be flexible and used by individuals, families and whole services. ECA provides
a fact sheet with each bundle that allows services to be in control of their
learning, and implement change according to their context and needs.
Priority Area
Strength of Evidence
Level 6 – Supported by expert opinion