VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Partnerships with families.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, Children engage with a range of texts and get meaning from these texts, Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.
This program aims to bolster the confidence and autonomy of parents/carers in reading to their children, and in cultivating emergent literacy. The program focuses on supporting parents/carers in selecting and applying specific strategies.
The program covers the following topics:
- Session 1: Turn Book Reading into a Time to Talk
- Session 2: Make New Words Sparkle
- Session 3: Help Your Child Understand the Story
- Session 4: Deepen Your Child's Understanding
- Session 5: Build Your Child's Understanding of How Print Works
- Session 6: Help Your Child Hear the Sounds in Words
Detailed Costs
The program is delivered by a Hanen-certified I'm Ready! facilitator. Cost varies depending on the provider.
I'm Ready!™ guidebook : US$24.95 (about AU$35)
Implementation Considerations
Target population: parents/carers of typically developing children between three and five years old, and of children with a mild language delay who are developmentally three to five years old.
Program/practice descriptions and details: the program includes:
- six training sessions (plus an orientation session) for parents/carers in small, personalised groups
- simultaneous sessions in which children continue to build their language and literacy skills with the help of trained support staff
- a Hanen-certified speech pathologist or early childhood education professional who has completed the I'm Ready!™ advanced workshop to lead the program
- individualised parent coaching from the program leader and support staff throughout the program.
Supervision/coaching: parents/carers receive coaching throughout the program.
Factors to consider: educators should ensure a partnership approach with families to ensure child outcomes and strategies are consistent between the home and service environment.
Priority Area
Strength of Evidence
Level 5 – Foundational research evidence