VEYLDF Alignment
Item uses these practice principles: Reflective practice, Partnerships with families, High expectations for every child, Respectful relationships and responsive engagement, Equity and diversity, Integrated teaching and learning approaches.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media, Children engage with a range of texts and get meaning from these texts, Children become strong in their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.
Peep Learning Together Program (PeepLTP) is an evidence-based program that supports parents and carers to build positive sensitive relationships with their children. It supports parents and carers to continue learning in the home to make the most of everyday learning opportunities with their children, by listening, talking, playing, singing and sharing book and stories together to enhance the home learning environment.
The program supports children to be confident learners through these day-to-day activities and play for a great start in life and school.
Peep Learning Together Training is for practitioners who work with parents and children and helps supports strong parent-child relationships, increased parental knowledge and confidence in how to support their child's learning and playing in day-to-day life.
Peep Learning Together Program contains more than 70 topics covering five strands of development:
- personal, social and emotional development
- communication and language
- early literacy
- early maths
- health and physical development.
Each topic relates to one or more developmental stages: babies, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. The program is intentionally flexible, and practitioners can use any topic from any strand or developmental stage, in any order.
Using the ORIM framework (Opportunities, Recognition, Interaction, Model), Peep meets parents where they are, recognizes them for what they are already doing with their child and then supports them to do more.
Playgroup Victoria provide PeepLTP Training for Educators. The 2-day training will explore:
- how to use the materials across many contexts to support parents and children
- developing appropriate skills and attitudes to work with and engage parents/carers in their children's early learning
- embedding PeepLTP in practice using different program content and resources.
Playgroup Victoria also provide implementation support to educators and will be developing a community of practice to provide continued professional development.
The PeepLTP materials assist educators to support parents to enhance their child's development by sharing information that builds on their existing strengths and practices.
A number of trainings are run each month, and training dates can be created to meet your needs.
Detailed Costs
PeepLTP training via Zoom: $850/person (excl. GST), includes:
- 2 day training via Zoom with small groups
- ongoing full access to the entire program
- ongoing full access to all tools and materials
- continued access to 1:1 and group supervision and implementation support through Playgroup Victoria
Implementation Considerations
Program adaptability: PeepLTP was designed for flexible delivery based on the needs of parents and children. Topics can be used in any order and developmental stage, to inform program planning in the kindergarten room, as a tool to have conversations with parents, in groups or one-on-one. Each topic has three to four types of print resources to share with parents so that information can be tailored to various levels of literacy, motivation and interests. Stories and songs make up every session and should be selected from the community to be culturally appropriate to the families in a service.
Staffing: the provider encourages cross-training of staff so that engaging and supporting parents to support their children's learning and development can be a shared whole-of-centre strategy.
Services should consider the cost of backfill in determining the cost of accessing this training.
Implementation model: flexibility is key to working in partnership with parents so the materials can be used in one-on-one sessions and in group sessions. The topic materials are designed to build on what parents are already doing to support their children's learning.
Tools and systems: all materials are accessible from a password-protected online portal. Every topic includes materials in both electronic and print format.
The online members area allows users to share their ideas with others.
Australian Experience: The
program was introduced 10 years ago to Benalla, Victoria and has been used in other
rural areas in Murrindindi Shire and metro Melbourne. It has also been
implemented across New South Wales and Queensland and in Aboriginal communities
in New South Wales and Western Australia.
Priority Area
Wellbeing (social and emotional), Communication
Strength of Evidence
Level 3 - Promising research evidence