Mental Health Menu

  • The Song Room


    Tier 1: Positive Mental Health Promotion

    Program Description

    This program uses whole-school art projects to teach social and emotional skills to support student wellbeing and learning. The program includes 10 weekly sessions led by qualified teachers and arts, music, and play therapists. The sessions have a trauma-informed and strengths-based approach. Art activities include:
    * music and dance
    * drama, visual arts and performing arts
    * Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.

    The program also supports diverse and vulnerable students using creative and customised activities. Schools who have completed the program become part of a national community and continue to receive professional learning and resources.

    Detailed Cost

    The full Song Room program costs $13,612 (inc. GST). This includes a full program management team, one day of planning and induction with the school, one day of CRT cover planning and induction, 10 full-day sessions across a semester, materials, subscriptions, community engagement project and program administration and overheads.

    Implementation Considerations

    Target population: Primary school students from Foundation to Year 6.

    Program adaptability: One day for project planning and consultation with the school is included within the program budget. This enables the program to be tailored to the specific needs of the school. The Song Room has previously been adapted for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, remote and regional communities, experiencing trauma and neglect, autism, and other learning and behavioural challenges.

    Staffing: Backfilling is not required for participating staff.

    Training requirements: The Song Room encourages the use of existing school equipment where available and appropriate. Schools will be provided with all music and art-making resources, and access to ongoing digital resources. This includes an annual subscription to The Song Room's digital resource, ARTS:LIVE, lesson plans, videos, and activities.

    Factors to consider: There is no minimum number of participants required.

    Australian context: This program has been developed and applied in Australia.

    Strength of Evidence

    Level 2: Supported by expert opinion or evidence for practice

    Geographic Location


    Intended Outcomes

    • Increase students' self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, social awareness, and relationship skills
    • Increase feelings of school pride and belonging
    • Increase confidence and motivation as learners
    • Develop students' creative and expressive capacities
    • Improve knowledge and skills in the arts aligned to the Victorian Curriculum