Tier 2: Early Intervention cohort specific support
Program Description
School’s In for Refugees (SIFR) is a suite of professional learning modules designed to assist schools with cohorts from refugee backgrounds to confidently support their students’ engagement, wellbeing and achievement, and promote staff wellbeing.
The program comprises:
• two Foundational Modules, focusing on the refugee experience
• five Advanced Modules, focusing on senior students, supporting transitions, classroom strategies, and partnering with families.
The Foundation House Trauma Recovery Framework is applied throughout the modules, comprised of four interrelated recovery goals that address the effects of traumatic refugee events.
The suite of modules assists schools to apply the Trauma Recovery Framework across the whole school by creating supportive policies, procedures and practices.
Detailed Cost
Implementation Considerations
Target population: Schools with student cohorts from refugee backgrounds.
Program adaptability: Modules can be tailored to schools' needs.
Staffing: Backfilling may be required if staff attend training during classroom time.
Training requirements: Schools can request a tailored group session or send individual staff to calendar events. Tailored group modules require a minimum of 20 participants. Participants are required to complete preliminary reading prior to participating in their PD.
Australian experience: The content aligns with the Victorian DET’s Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The program is statewide and may be scaled up for delivery to a wider audience.
Strength of Evidence
Geographic Location
Intended Outcomes
• Support student engagement, wellbeing and achievement
• Promote staff wellbeing