Tier 3: Targeted support
Program Description
The guidelines, developed in partnership with headspace, assist secondary schools with the steps and activities undertaken in the immediate, short-term and long-term phases of a response to a suicide or suspected suicide of a student.
The guidelines also provide a suicide prevention strategy for people exposed to and bereaved by suicide.
Tools, templates, scripts and factsheets and a one-page overview are provided.
Detailed Cost
Backfilling may be required for staff to attend training
Implementation Considerations
Implementation can be supported with SAFEMinds and Suicide Risk Continuum Training
Strength of Evidence
DET funded resources
Geographic Location
Intended Outcomes
• Increased awareness for all school staff about the complexity of suicide and the need for appropriately trained staff to restore safety and reduce the risk to others in the school community
• Schools supported to respond to the suicide of a student in a timely and coordinated way with evidence-based and practice-informed tools and resources to support schools
• Restored wellbeing