Tier 3: Targeted support
Program Description
The guidelines, developed in partnership with headspace, assist school staff following an attempted suicide or an incident of self-harm.
They support schools to recognise an instance of self-harm, respond to students’ immediate needs and ensure their safety and the safety of peers surrounding them.
An evidence-informed and timely response to supporting students who have engaged, or continue to engage, in self-harming behaviours in response to psychological distress offers the opportunity to disrupt the cycle of self-harm, alleviate distress and reduce potential ongoing mental health and wellbeing difficulties in the future.
Tools, templates, scripts and factsheets and a one-page overview are provided.
Detailed Cost
Backfilling may be required for staff to attend training
Implementation Considerations
Implementation can be supported with SAFEMinds and Suicide Risk Continuum Training
Strength of Evidence
Geographic Location
Intended Outcomes
• Increased educator knowledge and understanding of self-harm and attempted suicide
• Increased capacity to recognise and respond to instances of self-harm and attempted suicide
• Enhanced response to student’s immediate needs to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them
• Restored wellbeing.