Manage challenging behaviour from parents

Toolkit of resources to manage situations where parents’ behaviour is challenging or aggressive.

On this page

Most parents positively engage with their child’s education and the school community. In some cases, parents’ behaviour is challenging or aggressive.

In many situations, you can avoid or resolve conflict with parents through conflict resolution. This happens before relationships break down or conflicts and behaviour escalate. We encourage schools to use available conflict resolution options where appropriate.

Read more about conflict resolution for schools on our intranet (eduMail password required).


The creating respectful and safe communities toolkit includes resources to help work with parents to prioritise student learning.

The toolkit includes the statement of values which outlines the expectations for all members of a school community.

It also provides advice on how to manage unacceptable parent behaviour, with a focus on how to:

  • prevent unacceptable behaviour
  • intervene to address unacceptable behaviour
  • apply sanctions as a last resort, such as a trespass order
  • restore staff and school wellbeing after an incident.

