Child Protection

Protecting children from significant harm caused by abuse or neglect is a responsibility you share with schools and the wider community, including government organisations, police and community agencies.

The Department has put a mandatory reporting protocol together with the Department of Human Services Child Protection, licensed children’s services and Victorian schools. This protocol makes sure there is a shared and consistent approach to protect all children by defining the roles and responsibilities for all school staff.

Key information in the code of behaviour includes:

  • updated mandatory reporting policies and procedures to align with the Children Youth and Families Act (2005)
  • legal responsibilities and the Department’s requirements in responding to allegations in relation to children and young people at risk of abuse and neglect
  • procedures in relation to Child FIRST, a family services community-based intake and referral service
  • obligations about providing information to Child Protection and family service agencies
  • a comprehensive list of relevant state contacts including access to advice and support.

For more information, see: Protecting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people - mandatory reporting protocol (pdf - 1.63mb)

​More information 

  • Protecting Children Together – a resource for you that aims to make sure all children and young people should have access to nurturing and stimulating environments
  • Child development and trauma guide - published by the Department of Human Services, these guides assist in recognising indicators of trauma at different ages and stages of well as offering advice on what to do when trauma has occurred